Friday, February 29, 2008

Knowing Versus Doing

I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection....


Philippians 3:10

If asked the purpose for which God made you, what might you say?


You might give a lot of answers that required some action on your part. However, the simplest answer to that question relates to one primary thing—fellowship. The most important thing God desires from us is to have a deep and intimate fellowship with each of us.

Paul said he wanted to know Christ, and by knowing Christ he could not only experience the power of His resurrection, but His indwelling power in and through him as well. So often it is much easier to be busy with the urgent (or even Christian) activity than spending quiet moments before God. And before we realize it, days have passed since our last truly deep and intimate fellowship time with God.

Jesus understood how important quiet moments were with the Father. "After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone" (Matthew 14:23). The more mature we become in our relationship with God, the more precious our time becomes with Him.


It is a time we look forward to daily, because it offers us a time to reflect, to share our concerns, disappointments, joys, and to hear Him speak. An interesting thing happens when we make fellowship with God a priority, the urgent things seem to wane as we focus on Him, and He makes all these other things fall into place.

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