Monday, September 29, 2008

Here We Go Again-The Heart


Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try my and know my anxious thoughts. And see if there my any wicked way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.

Psalms 139:23-24




We have all heard it before, "Follow your heart…"


However, is this really good advice?


Is this what God's Word teaches us?


We see in Matthew 6:21 that Jesus said, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  The logical question then would be: is it possible for our heart to value (treasure) something that is wrong or harmful—something that isn't biblical or in our best interest?


Umm, yes.


It is a struggle we all face, to value God as our infinite Treasure at all times. We so easily treasure many other things like money, houses, cars, education, relationships, and/or fame more than God.


That is why this "follow your heart" advice has the potential to be very dangerous. Our hearts can at many times be in the wrong place, like focusing on ourselves instead of God, or enticed by worldly things, places, and people that are not the best for us.


We should follow God above our hearts, because our hearts can lie to us.


Only when we are completely surrendered to God and walking by the leading of the Holy Spirit can we engage the heart more fully as we were designed to, but even then we must be very careful not to be deceived.


Our hearts can be deceitful, as we see in Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is more deceitful than all else… who can understand it?"

So who can understand the heart?


God can.


"I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the result of his deeds" Jeremiah 17:10.


When we can't trust our own hearts, we can come and rely on God to test the motives and conditions of our hearts, and reveal what is truly there. 

Friday, September 26, 2008

Living With The Spirit As Our Source


At the moment we as believers are saved, the Holy Spirit takes up dwelling in our lives and He becomes the resource, energy, and power for our lives. We in a sense are housing our personal helper, teacher, counselor, and guide. Sometimes we have a hard time grasping this concept or the fact that the Holy Spirit is three in one. One way to visualize this concept is to look at the nature of water (H2O). Water is a single compound that can exist in three states—liquid, ice and vapor.


The Holy Spirit is a "person" equal in every way with God the Father and God the Son. The Word tells us that all the characteristics of God apparent in the Father and the Son are equally apparent in the Holy Spirit.


However, we can not come to that truth in and of ourselves because of sin. "A natural man [an unbeliever] does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised" (1 Corinthians 2:14). Divine wisdom can't be empirically deduced by analyzing data and physical evidence, but only comes as a gift God gives when His Spirit reveals His Word to us.


Looking at 1 Corinthians 2:10 we see that it says, "To us God revealed [His truths] through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God." The Holy Spirit—the Author of the Word—searches the deep recesses of God's Person and knows the mind of God perfectly. Therefore He is able to reveal God and God's will completely to us, leading us in God's ways as we walk by faith.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Being Deceived By The Enemy And Not Living By The Spirit

Whether we admit it or not we so very often are deceived by the enemy and sometimes we are blindly taken by the enemy, because we have allowed our view of God to become clouded. We begin to loose sight of what God is leading us in and start striving in order to prove we are right where God would have us be in our lives.


During all the confusion we slowly spiral onto the path that was not meant for us, but even so God will use it for His glory to draw us back to Him and cause us to see that our eyes have not been fixed on Him but only that we are only living for self. Plus, we may find that we take matters into our own hands in an area we need the greatest breakthrough in.


It may very well be that we have just put our focus on the things here in the physical—things we can see, readily touch, and relate to—instead of keeping our sight set on God and doing that which the Holy Spirit is prompting us in and calling us to.


We have been deceived.


When we habitually give in to stress and drivenness, or look to our own efforts instead of the Holy Spirit, or live in fear and disbelief, we have completely lost our sight of who God is and what He is leading us in. We have instead, come to live day to day just trying to survive, instead of living day to day thriving in God's best for us.


God calls us to live by faith and not by sight, but so many times those words make it into our minds never to penetrate the heart. To live by faith means fully relying on the Holy Spirit that dwells within us and seeking to live by His leading. It doesn't mean for us to pick and choose when we will consult with the Holy Spirit, but it means we live by faith knowing that the Holy Spirit will guide us in what God has for us—the best.


The enemy wants us to believe that we cannot trust God and that He really does not want what is best for us, that we need to take matters into our own hands and then and only then will things transpire as we hope for.


But what is hope?


Hope is different in biblical context—a constant expectation and not just a doubtful chance.


Hoping in God is a constant expectation that He is enough and that He will fulfill His promises. We begin to become insensitive to the Holy Spirit when we take our eyes off God and lose hope in who He is and what He has for us. We begin to seek joy, satisfaction, and pleasure in something other than God; when we are supposed to seek every joy, satisfaction, and pleasure in God.


Which leads to another thought and that is we are not to put our trust in man—meaning ourselves or others—and that as believers we must trust the Holy Spirit that indwells us and not the smoke screens the enemy throws out at us in order to prevent us from keeping our sight on God. The enemy wants nothing more than to deceive us and cause us to stop walking by faith and the leading of the Holy Spirit who indwells us.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Living For God Or The Enemy


Whether it is fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, confusion, insecurity, family problems, health problems, financial problems, or spiritual defeat, the enemy works overtime to go out of his way to keep us completely preoccupied with our problems and unable to live the life God has called us to as believers.


God has not called us into a relationship with Him and then left us out to fend for ourselves. No, He has defeated the enemy on the cross and has given us the power to overcome the enemy and his attacks.


So why do we continue living life as though God has not defeated the enemy?


Maybe because we truly do not know who God is and what He has done for us; and we find it easier to continue in what we have grown to know instead of embracing all that God has for us. Sometimes we come to accept what we find comfortable when in fact it is not what God has for us, and we won't know what He has for us if we do not turn to Him and walk in His light.


Despite the popular notion today that it is more spiritual to remain weak, struggling and vulnerable; God desires to build us up into valiant, bold men and women who fear none but Him alone.


We also can look all throughout the New Testament and see that we are constantly encouraged to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.


How can we do this?


Because God has already defeated the enemy of our souls and the only thing that he can do is put on a magic show; using smoke and mirrors to trick us into taking him seriously and letting him have his way in our lives. We so often are blinded by the enemy that we forget the exceeding greatness of God's power in us to over come the smoke and mirrors that too often keep us from God and His best for our lives.


Who are you living for—God or the enemy?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Living Faith


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.


Hebrews 11:1



Faith is a chief theme in both the Old and New Testaments. However, despite the fact that Israel as a nation was called to be God's chosen people, only those who trusted God were covered by that covenant and lived by faith.


Faith is not a positive feeling or optimism, but it is confident trust in what God said—no matter what the circumstance. When looking through the eyes of faith, as believers, we must walk in the faith that is ours. Biblical faith is not wishful thinking, but rather an inner conviction that is based on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit working in us.


True faith is exercised in harmony with the Spirit to accomplish God's will and we do this every day as we put our faith in God and move forward in what He has placed before us.


If we refuse to live by faith, then we are incapable of seeing beyond the temporal circumstances around us and we are blinded spiritually to what God is doing. In John 4:24, Jesus said to the woman at the well, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."  Spirit cannot be seen, and often cannot be felt either—it is real—there is no possible substitute for faith.


If we are to live by faith we must accept and believe God's Word and all that He has spoken as being truth. As well as, living in obedience with unwavering confidence in who God is and what He has done for us.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Walk By Faith

Walk By Faith

By: Jeremy Camp

Would I believe you when you would say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do

Yeah, Yeah , Yeah, Yeah, Yeah


Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Well I'm broken but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken pouring Your words of grace

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)
Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)
This song is a true testament of walking by faith... will you not walk by faith?

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Measure Of Faith



For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.


Romans 12:3



God did not give one person more faith than another, or stronger faith—He gave each of us a measure of faith.  


We can no more live without applying faith than we can live without breathing or thinking.


Faith is at work within us every moment of every day and no matter what the situation our measure of faith is at work as we put our trust in God. We wake up and crawl out of bed and we "believe" that there is a floor to walk across, that our legs will carry us, and there will be oxygen flowing through our bodies. 


We sit in a chair and believe it will hold us. 

We get in our cars and drive believing that we will safely get from one destination to the other.  

We see rain and believe the ground is getting the water it needs.

We see snow and believe the air is cold.


The exercise of faith is a constant process in our lives.


We either believe God's Word or we are choosing not to believe what He has promised—when it comes to faith there is no middle ground.  We cannot say we believe what He said but then not trust Him. In Matthew 12:30a it says, He who is not with Me is against Me.


If we agree with God we must act like it, talk like it, and expect the manifestation of the promise—a measure of faith.


If you are given a gift and you lay it aside, forgetting about it or thinking it was meant for someone else, and then you continue to ask for that same gift over and over you have not received the gift you were already given.  In a sense, that is what we are doing with the faith God has given us. 


God has given us every good and perfect gift and what He has done for one He does for all who believe in Him.


Are we laying the precious gifts aside in unbelief? 


Are we waiting until our natural senses confirm what is already done in heaven before we believe? 


Faith believes before the manifestation. 


Faith is acting on what God says and not on what our emotions say.


Let go of everything that questions God's Word and determine in your heart to trust Him and only Him. Don't wait until you see something you can relate to in the physical.  Agree with the Word of God and accept what Jesus has already bought and paid for—receive the gifts God has promised—a measure of faith.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Regardless Of Trials True Joy Comes From Abiding In God



I have set the Lord always before me;
   because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

 Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
   my flesh also dwells secure.
For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol,
  or let Your holy one see corruption

 You make known to me the path of life;
   in Your presence there is fullness of joy;
   at Your right hand are  pleasures forevermore.


Psalms 16:8-11



If we are going through a time of great joy, enjoy it and thank God for it. But if we are going through a time of trial, thank God for these days as well. For these difficulties will, in time, yield great fruit. But do not deny the pain and anguish, rather experience it to its fullness, and bring it to God. 


God is the source of real joy and it is more powerful than just putting on a smiley face to grin and bear it.


Finding joy when facing the turbulent waters in life can be difficult. In fact, it can seem like an impossible task at times, but we must not give in to the raging seas. Instead, we need to accept and acknowledge the trail we are in and bring it to God.


As we bring the trial to God and give it over to Him—actually letting go—then and only then will we find hope and lasting joy.


God does have a plan and purpose for us all even in the midst of trials that seem so overwhelming at times, and He longs for us to call out to Him and give Him our trials. Every trial we face in life does have a purpose and it is through trials that we are humbled, stretched, and most of all are being refined to becoming more Christ-like.


What is keeping you from letting go of your trials and giving them completely over to God, so that in return to have and experience the joy of His ever abiding presence in your life forevermore?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Seeing Trials Through New Eyes

We live in a fallen world and as a result trials are going to occur, but that doesn't mean hope can't occur simultaneously. That doesn't mean the glory of God can't be revealed if the trial isn't removed right away. But as we walk through the trial and let go, giving it over to God, we will prevail with His strength and be stronger for going through the trial as we become more Christ-like.  


I think of the story in John 9 about the man who was born blind. When the disciples ask, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answers, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned… but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." This is a different way to see trials we face in life—as a way for God's work and glory to be revealed. In that man's case, the glory of God was revealed in the fact he was healed of his blindness. But whether God heals or doesn't heal, His glory can be revealed—it's just up to us to recognize it.


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).


But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls (Hebrews 10:39).


The only way I don't shrink back from life's trials or challenges is through God's grace. I'm continually amazed at the fact that when we trust God enough to take a step toward Him in hope, faith, or courage, He meets us right there—and then equips us to take the next step. I know that's what He has done and is doing for me.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Trials And Joy

My Brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

James 1:2

The Holy Spirit will enlighten us as we read through the Scriptures, as well as in various circumstances and trails that we may face. And although being saved is the greatest thing and highest calling for a human being in the history of the Universe, it is also the most difficult on earth with its ups and downs.

Even so, it is great because it means that Jesus Christ has passed over our sins by 1) shedding His perfect blood to bring us back to life or justifying us, and 2) reconciling us with God so that we inherit eternal life instead of eternal destruction.

As Christians, we need to recognize that we cannot create or deliver ourselves from any circumstance or trial. Because of this fallen world, they will inevitably come. We will be faced with temptations and trials that seek to please the flesh because of our fallen nature.

However, we are called to count it all joy when these various trials come about. James tells us to let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing (See James 1:4).

James is quite aware that Christians have the propensity to attempt to be self-sufficient and reminds us that in the moment we do so, we prove to be double-minded and unstable in all our ways (See James 1:8).

In the heat of our trials we at times begin to expect things from God because we believe, in our ignorance, that we should be able to produce and provide things ourselves—to change the situation or circumstance that we find ourselves in. We believe in the midst of a calamity and/or trial that we can deliver ourselves. Despite any and every circumstance known to man, in complete humility, we are called to be subjected to the wisdom and will of God.

Trials, despite how long and unruly they seem, are the necessary means that God has chosen to sanctify those He loves and cause us to become more Christ-like. Rejoice in your trial and know that God is making you more Christ-like as you chose to rest in Him.

What is impossible with man is possible with God, so rest in Him and count it all joy!

Friday, September 5, 2008

An Expression Of God

Each one of us is an image of God.


Each one of us is a unique expression of God's life, beauty, and intelligence, His creativity and tenderness, His energy and imagination.


God's creation would be a less rich expression of Himself were one person missing—were one of us missing.


God's love and life are expressed by each of us in a way that has never been expressed before.


We affect the quality of our expression of God by how we live our lives.


If we ignore God, there will always be a tension inside of us because we were made to have a living relationship with God. Something in us suspects this, even if we don't want to believe it.


Without God, we don't live up to our potential. Despite all of our efforts, we somehow never quite live up to being the people that we sense we could be for God's glory.


When we recognize God's presence in the very core of who we are, however, our uniqueness of who God made us to be blossoms. We don't waste our lives fighting with ourselves and we are then freer to be a true expression of God.


Only in God's presence can we find the freedom to be ourselves as we were intended to be, as He has created each one of us to be a unique expression of Himself.


God has no interest in diminishing our individuality, because He created us each as unique individuals. But when we separate ourselves from God, from the source of our uniqueness, we separate ourselves from that which is deepest in us. We know that our innermost self is made in the image of God and thrives in His presence.


We can only know ourselves to the extent that we are willing to be in relationship with God. Otherwise, we continue to remain somewhat of a mystery, even to ourselves.


As we spend time in God's presence, we cannot help but be changed inside and out. While we spend time with God we will continue to be molded, shaped, and stretched into His likeness. The important thing is that we learn to rest in His presence, to slow down and turn off the noise inside, and to set aside our busyness and our own agendas. Spending time with God is not about us doing or achieving anything (even when praying) but about a relationship.


So we need not strive but only relax and be silent, becoming aware of God's loving presence, as He reveals Himself to us. The more time we spend with God, the more we will become like Him in every area of our lives—an expression of God.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Trust Is Releasing

Trusting God is releasing everything to Him... when I get overwhelmed by life in general or my present circumstances, it's because I'm trying to do it again, and not turning it over to Him. When I release all to God, He works everything out for good.


"Commit your way to the Lord,
  Trust also in Him,
  And He shall bring it to pass."


 -Psalm 37:5

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hints Of God


We see the enormity of all of creation, its awesomeness, order, and intricacy, and we wonder about God, as see His beauty, richness, and variety in nature and in each individual. We see the impact of even the smallest act of kindness and are amazed.


We see hints of God in people, in amazing acts of generosity, self-sacrifice, courage, and devotion.


As spectators, we can experience the joy of losing ourselves in all that God has set before us. This allows us to live in newness and awe daily as we press in to all that He is calling us to, even if only for a while. We get a sense of there being something bigger than ourselves and move forward knowing that God has everything in control and we need not worry or miss a beat.


We get a whiff of the infinite, but for a lot of us that's all we get.


How do we take the hint and accept the reality; and what would it even mean to say that we believe in God and walk it out daily by faith?


It feels like a risky thing to do and we are afraid of what we might lose.


But if God is real, there must be something wonderful to gain. 


The amazing thing is that God accepts us right now, as we are and we only need to take the hint and acknowledge Him.


"Yes, God, I believe You are there. I want to know You more, even if it means I have to change some things. I'm willing to say yes to You, to say yes to goodness and all that You have for me daily. Thank you for Your acceptance and forgiveness of me."


And the journey is begun or maybe just refreshed.


God will lead the way as we start taking the hints that He gives. Just pay attention, and know that all we have to do is live in today—not in the past or in the future—but what He is blessing us with this very moment.


God has so much to offer us as we trust in Him… look for His hints today!