Monday, September 22, 2008

Living For God Or The Enemy


Whether it is fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, confusion, insecurity, family problems, health problems, financial problems, or spiritual defeat, the enemy works overtime to go out of his way to keep us completely preoccupied with our problems and unable to live the life God has called us to as believers.


God has not called us into a relationship with Him and then left us out to fend for ourselves. No, He has defeated the enemy on the cross and has given us the power to overcome the enemy and his attacks.


So why do we continue living life as though God has not defeated the enemy?


Maybe because we truly do not know who God is and what He has done for us; and we find it easier to continue in what we have grown to know instead of embracing all that God has for us. Sometimes we come to accept what we find comfortable when in fact it is not what God has for us, and we won't know what He has for us if we do not turn to Him and walk in His light.


Despite the popular notion today that it is more spiritual to remain weak, struggling and vulnerable; God desires to build us up into valiant, bold men and women who fear none but Him alone.


We also can look all throughout the New Testament and see that we are constantly encouraged to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.


How can we do this?


Because God has already defeated the enemy of our souls and the only thing that he can do is put on a magic show; using smoke and mirrors to trick us into taking him seriously and letting him have his way in our lives. We so often are blinded by the enemy that we forget the exceeding greatness of God's power in us to over come the smoke and mirrors that too often keep us from God and His best for our lives.


Who are you living for—God or the enemy?

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