Monday, August 31, 2009


Perception is a component in in everyone's life that cannot be avoided. Not only that though, it is the lens which we view the world around us. The questions we ask, the answers we receive, how we feel, even how we think often directly corresponds to how we perceive the things that happen around and to us. 

Imagine this, we are taking a walk and we see a street sign. 

It says "Stop." 

Now you are familiar with the street, but have never noticed the sign before. Never did it occur to you what the sign meant, and even though you experienced close encounters you never really figured that stopping at that corner was what you were expected to do, and so you didn't. The only time you stopped or hesitated was when you noticed the impending traffic that awaited if you continued. You were never taught to look both ways, and no one ever taught you the laws of the road.

That sounds crazy, doesn't it? 

However, it is human nature to allow curiosity to drive us until we hit a wall along the way. We would never know that boiling water was hot unless we got burned. Now that we know that, though, we can stop it from happening to us. But we can only act on it according to our level of understanding of the boiling water. Going back to the story. Now that you can see this sign and understand it's meaning, you are in a better position to not get hit by a car. This doesn't mean that it will never happen, it is just something that puts you into a better position. Reading the sign is not the end all be all-it is simply another perspective to be viewed. 

So where does this lead us? 

Honestly that depends I suppose, but for this discussion it leads us directly to the entire purpose of this blog. 

Perception is affected by many things we in counter in life-what we believe, what we read, what we listen to, those we work with, and the families we grew up in.

We all grow, develop, and change at our own pace. I am fully content with the understanding that my life, all of our lives as Christians are lead and directed by the Holy Spirit within us. As we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit we are shown things that we may not always like, but sometimes it's what we need. I believe that you will take from this what the Holy Spirit is revealing to you to  take from this, that we see, feel, and believe exactly what we need to at this moment to propel us forward. 

Perception is everything and with the right perception we can only imagine what we will experience next.