Monday, May 7, 2007

A Thankful Spirit Of Gratitude

Gratitude begins by acknowledging who God is and what He has done. This heartfelt emotion is not dependent upon the response of another person or upon the nature of what is received as a gift. Though, ingratitude, on the other hand, begins with a heart that refuses to be satisfied, that rejects the Giver as well as His gift (See Romans 1:20-21).

Life itself is a gracious gift from God, and there is no gratitude except what is built on this foundation. A spirit of gratitude must be cultivated, then passed on to others, especially to those close to us, by example.

Here are just a few ways that we see a thankful spirit of gratitude exemplified:

· A grateful person is humble and focused on God, while the ungrateful heart is full of pride and focused on self. Ruth beautifully emulated such a spirit of gratitude and humility (See Ruth 2:10). She responded graciously even to the smallest kindness.

· Do not take for granted the small and ordinary daily blessings (See Matthew 6:11).

· Look for blessings from God, being careful not to overlook the hidden, subtle, indirect gifts from God (See Colossians 4:2). Also, recognize that not every gift we desire may be beneficial to us—God is the all-wise Giver. Consider His plans and priorities for your life, being careful not to lose sight of the big picture, and always aligning your desires, hopes, and dreams up with His will. Making sure to be thankful for all that God has given you at this particular time in life.

· Remember to thank God even in the midst of adversity and trails (See Habakkuk 3:17-19; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Philippians 1:3 and 2:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:18).

· Not only should gratitude to God and others be expressed regularly but it is to be done publicly as well (See Psalm 35:18; John 11:41-42).

· Complete the cycle of gratitude by reaching out to give to others in the Spirit of Christ (See 2 Corinthians 9:12).

A grateful spirit and a thankful heart are an integral part of a life lived to God’s glory. Those who are thankful and have a heart full of praise brings joy to the Father and glory to His name. An attitude of gratitude will bring to our heart a host of blessings and make us a channel of blessings to others.

Lastly, a heart of gratitude is one that is marked by evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. God’s love is demonstrated in the giving of His Son (See John 3:16). Giving of time, energies, and financial resources is an expression of a grateful heart, which is the natural response we should have as we have been lavished with God’s grace (See Ephesians 1:7-8).

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