Monday, May 7, 2007

A Pair Of Thoughts

Remember the word to Your servant,Upon which You have caused me to hope.This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life.

Psalm 119:49

God has made us hope in His Word. When we go through the trials in life that cause us to truly understand how desperately we need God, there is hope found in His promises to us in Scripture. When we cannot go on alone, we indeed can carry on in the power of the Word. In the deepest distress of our souls we find comfort in the words written for us. We rest in the knowledge that the Word has made our dead souls alive in Christ. By the truth given to us, we can experience a calm that defies all reason. What inexplicable grace is this, that in the midst of such turmoil and confusion, there is hope, there is forgiveness, there is peace.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6

And He says to be anxious for nothing. That seems unreasonable, at best, in times of uncertainty. The immediate temptation is to worry, and therefore lose sight of the hope which was brought by the Word. But we are to simply make our requests known to God; lay our hearts bare before the Wonderful Maker. Though He knows the depths of our hearts, there is freedom in pouring out every thought and feeling, every care, and every fear. As we open up with hearts of gratefulness, He washes away all anxiety and replaces it with Himself, the Comforter.

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