Now the prophet Gad said to David, "Do not stay in the stronghold; depart, and go to the
1 Samuel 22:5
David and his fighting men had been hiding in the
It was time to step out in faith and move on to
At times we come to a place where we become comfortable in our day to day lives and surrounds, which we rather just continue on in instead of stepping out in faith in what we sense God is leading us to.
As with David, God often places people around us who prod us into moving in the right direction, because He does not want us to remain in a place of stagnation. Sometimes we need that extra encouragement to keep moving forward in the things that God is calling us to.
Sometimes we must step out in faith even when we do not understand at the time where we are going or what it is we are to be doing.
During these times we must trust God and exhibit great faith that He is in control and is leading us in the direction that He sees fitting for us. Also, these times can be God preparing us to be the vessel He wants to use in the life of another person, but we will never be that vessel if we give up and hide in our stronghold of safety.
Not only must we keep moving, we must move into a new realm. Our attitude must move from the mere movement of living to living a life that is directed by the Spirit. It is when we move as God leads us by the directing and prodding of the Spirit that we are truly living.
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