Monday, January 7, 2008

All Things Come From God

…For all things come from You...


1 Chronicles 29:14b


When John's disciples came to him and asked if he was the Messiah, he responded that he was not and that one could only be what God had given him to be. He was a forerunner to the Messiah, and he was fulfilling a call God had given him.


We cannot acquire and become anything that God has not given or called us to—God gave John the anointing as a forerunner.


We must ask whether we are trying to be or trying to acquire anything God has not given or called us to. When we seek to acquire anything that God has not given or called us to, we can expect God to respond to us like any good father would to a child—to instruct us and discipline us.


In other words, as we seek to live out lives that are Spirit-directed we need to keep in mind that we cannot acquire or become that which God does not have in store for us. We may on our own will attain or become that which God did not have in store for us and therefore have the wrong motives at heart and are not being Spirit-directed.


Always remember that all things come from God!

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