Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Time And Lasting Joy

The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart... they are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.


Psalm 19:8,10




Christmas time is busy and there is always a lot to do. It can also be a time that we allow temptation to creep in and let a few things slide.


You know the thought:


"Things will settle down after the holidays and I will get back to it then."


Often times, the spiritual disciplines can be the first to go.


We usually don't feel the immediate effect of skipping a few devotional times here and there, but what happens if we don't get our presents wrapped in time or the pies made before the big meal?


That would be a disaster!


Ah, however the neglect of the spiritual disciplines will have greater consequences. Over time, our heart will begin to grow cold to the things of the Lord. And no amount of Christmas cheer will provide the fix.


But if we give priority to our time in God's Word and to prayer, we will find renewed joy each and every day—joy that sticks in the midst of Christmas craziness.


So as things get busy, be sure to keep the spiritual disciplines at the top of your Christmas to do list, and experience true holiday cheer—lasting joy!

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