Imagine for a moment that you are running a race and there are many people with you at the starting line. The energy of the race is in the air as everyone prepares for the start of the run. Soon someone comes over the loud speaker, "On your mark, get set, GO!"
And you are off.
Everyone is running and following the marked course. As you run you begin to wonder how much further to the finish line and you continue to run but the finish line never seems to arrive. You feel as if you and those in the race with you are not making progress toward completing the race and no one ever wins.
There is no champion and no reward, you just keep running.
What would happen?
Well, eventually you would slow down, lose focus, and probably drop out of the race because; after all, what is the point in running a race with no finish line?
As believers in Christ we know that our eventual "finish line" is in heaven and our race here on earth is a slow process of developing, growing and changing to be more Christ-like. But, when we set goals for our livesphysical, mental, and spiritualand choose not to celebrate our progress along the way, it's much like running a race and never reaching a finish line.
With no celebration we lose focus, motivation, and usually slump back into familiar old habits that may be harmful. Yes, daily life choices are necessary in this life. However, choosing to celebrate progress is a powerful tool to staying on course. As you progress on your journey to Christ-likeness, choose to celebrate your progress, successes and victories.
So what does celebration and time have in common here?
It's been said that time is our most expensive commodity and we can see it in the following ways:
- We trade time for money through careers and work.
- We offer time to others through volunteer work.
- We share time with those we love.
- We waste time on unproductive tasks.
- We have workout time.
- We have drive time.
- We have down time.
Time is the only valuable asset we have that, once spent, cannot be recovered. Whether rich or poor, we all have the same amount of it to use each day. Therefore, choosing to celebrate with time is a valuable or should we say priceless.
Choose one or more ways to celebrate with time.
Be alone and quiet In our fast-paced, cumbersome world solitude, stillness and silence are very rare. Spend time without TV, music or voices in solitude if your life is full and crazy most days. Use this time to clear your mind, focus on God, reflect on your progress and set new goals.
Call family and friends Sometimes time doesn't allow us to stay in contact with those we care about. Call a friend you haven't spoken with in a long time and talkcatch up on life.
Share with others spending time with those you care about can be a great celebration. Invite them over or out for a meal, trip to a park or museum, or whatever you enjoy doing with them.
Celebrating with time doesn't have to cost money and most importantly, choose to schedule the time for God. Keep your celebration simple and pleasurable, but find what will be refreshment to you and motivate you to stay on course toward Christ-likeness.
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