Friday, October 26, 2007

Negative Thinking

It was one of those days. You awake in a grumpy mood. And somehow, when you are in a grumpy mood about one issue, other issues rise to the surface as well and only add to your negative thinking.


The gloomy mood…

The miscommunication at work…

The car had a problem…

The weather was hot and sticky...


You are just not in the mood to think positively. It was much easier to be negative—or at the least, indifferent.

But God in His goodness reaches out to us even when we don't deserve it. Through the words of another, He can and will change your perspective on your situation.

So since your car is not working you ride in the car with a co-worker—to and from work—whom you have only recently met. You noted in your mind that you had liked her from the start—she was cute, friendly, and reminded you of your best friend growing up when she talked. On the way home, you made small talk until you fall onto the topic of her recent adoption of her only child—a baby girl.


Her story washed over you like a gentle, healing rain, inviting you to have faith and trust like hers.

She and her husband had been struggling with infertility for years. It was emotionally exhausting as they continued to hope for a baby and be devastated when one did not come. Your co-worker shares how she wrestled with anger and pain and frustration. She cried out to God with bargains and tears. Still, the prayer was unanswered. She began to realize that her desire for a child had become an idol. And that she had to let go of her desire in order to allow God to answer her prayers in His own way, not hers.


She felt His words to her in that difficult time were, "Just wait."


So she did. She held on to her belief that if God wanted her to wait for His plan to unfold, it must be so amazing and wonderful that she couldn't begin to imagine it. And now after placing complete faith in God they have a beautiful baby girl. The couple adopted her around nine months ago and your co-worker sparkled with true joy as she told you, "I feel so blessed."

Now as you try to put yourself together and thank your co-worker for the ride, you head straight for the house and almost forget to close the door behind you as you fall to your knees and cry. Although you haven't experienced her trial, you can relate in many ways.


Perhaps you can, too.


Sometimes we allow our desires to become idols, which can affect our thoughts and cloud our perspective. Especially when God doesn't answer in the way we expect, we get frustrated and hurt—even angry. We wonder and cry and pray.


But He whispers, "Just wait."


We need to hold on to the promises of His love and goodness, trusting that He is the only one who never changes. Even when our hearts are broken and emotions are storming, we need to use our mind and will to believe in His words and truth. God is faithful, trustworthy, and there is absolute joy and peace in following and accepting His plan for each one of us.

The gloomy mood is gone now.

The worry about the mishap at work is gone now.

The car trouble is gone now.

The weather could not be more pleasurable now.


You have come to realize that you don't want them to be your focus. You only want God to be your focus. Going through certain situations will at times be apart of life, and negative thoughts may come and threaten, but honestly, there is not much to sustain such thoughts. When the Creator of the universe is your loving heavenly Father, thinking positively makes much more sense!

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