Monday, October 15, 2007

Choose More Sleep

When things are crunched we often sacrifice our sleep time to get more accomplished or to have some personal, quiet time. The more often this happens the more we believe that sleep is a luxury. But, we couldn't be further from the truth. Sleep is a necessity for maintaining good health, avoiding fatigue, keeping a clear mind, and having a good attitude. When you are tired and fatigued, everything in your life suffers.


Sleep is the time that your body repairs and recovers from the wear and tear of the day. When you sleep soundly, you allow your body to recharge. Research has shown that one consequence to a lack of sleep is weight gain. Those who are fatigued tend to use food to maintain a higher energy level throughout the day. One study indicated that people consume 10% to 15% more calories when they are tired than when they are rested. These calories add up over time to produce weight gain. 


The amount of sleep a person needs each night is very individual. For most people, 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night is adequate. To test how much sleep you need, note what time you go to bed. Then, wake up naturally the next morning without an alarm clock. How long did you sleep? This is a good indication of the amount you need each day. Of course, we can't all rework our daytime schedules around when we can wake up, so it may be necessary to make it a habit and priority to go to bed earlier. 


Choose to consistently get more sleep by using the following tips:


·         Sleep in a cool, dark room.

·         Avoid eating heavy foods within 2 hours of going to bed.

·         Stop drinking caffeinated drinks within 2 hours of going to bed.

·         Exercise during the day—a physically tired body will rest better at night.

·         Whenever possible, go to bed at the same time each night to develop a sleep pattern.

·         Turn the TV off at least 30 minutes before going to bed to allow your brain to relax and unwind.

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