Friday, October 5, 2007

The Dance

The lights slowly dim as the orchestra begins to compose its soft, peaceful melodies. The young couple stands facing each other. The man extends his welcoming hand, and the woman graciously takes hold of it. Step by step, he leads. She follows. He leads. She follows.

In life it is the same way. Each of our relationships with Christ can be compared to a dance. The man leads, and the woman in response, follows. We, as the Bride of Christ, must in the same way surrender our impulse to take charge. Each of us must learn to submit, surrender, and die to the urge to control.


We have all felt very distracted at different times in life. In fact so distracted that our aim and desires have been turned to other things instead of being solely placed on Christ alone. During those times we most often find ourselves constantly wondering in our minds, our heart continuously asking questions, and our soul yearning to know why.


However, we need not loose heart, because our dance with Jesus is taking place and He is teaching us what it means to truly trust Him—what it means to have hope. So close your eyes... and prepare yourself for a dance that will carry you across barren wastelands, through valleys, and over grueling mountaintops. This dance requires a trust that never lets goes, a faith that chooses to believe, and a heart that continually surrenders.



Dance with Jesus...


Give into utter abandonment...


A place of complete surrender...


A journey with the best dancer by your side!


Where are you dancing with Jesus right now?


And if not, start today by taking His hand which has so graciously be offered to you and let Him lead… oh, and don't forget those dancing shoes! 

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