Monday, June 8, 2009

The Quietness Of The Day

The day starts, as the body naturally wakes up from its restful sleep, and I so looked forward to my quiet time alone with God in the dark silences of the morning—blanket on my lap, Bible, devotionals, pen, and journal ready at my fingertips. I anticipate this time knowing that my day requires this beginning, more so than my run or workout that follows.

At times the quietness of the day can very easily slip away for things that seem more important and of greater value, but in reality the quietness of the day is a gift that we so effortlessly let fall away.

[We] can neither make, nor retain, one moment of time; it all comes to [us] by pure gift...  -C.S.Lewis

In the quietness of the morning it is a time to communicate with God one on one with no distractions, reflect on the day ahead, and gain greater awareness of who we are and the direction in which God is leading us.  

I know that we all have good intentions, to take time out of our days to spend in quietness and it doesn't have to be in the early morning darkness, but whenever it is conducive of what works best for each individual. Spending time in the quietness of the day is just that a gift, which we need not reject or take it for granted. Instead we should welcome the moment and treasure it like we do a priceless gift.

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