Everything in life is a choice—are you choosing the best?
There are many choices for every situation or issue that we face daily, and some days it seems everything goes well; people help us, the details of events/projects fall into place, outcomes and rewards are visible. However, there are days though, when everything seems to be up hill or full of under-currents.
Even so, we need to recognize that we do have choices to make whether our day is going according to our plan or we find that we are faced with unexpected happenings. It is vital that we learn to be truly in our unique flow regardless of what is taking place around us or even how far off basis our plans have become.
We have to continue to be ourselves no matter what the given situation and be flexible with our plans in order to still be effective and make choices that are suitable. A few points to keep in mind that will aid us in such situations or issues in our daily living are described as being:
• Consistent
• Contemplative
• Decisive
• Determined
• Focused
• Introspective
• Organized
• Persistent
There is strength in these characteristics as we make choices and when we fail to take ownership of our choice we generally berate ourselves over past deeds, perceived mistakes and experiences, and that stops the flow of creativity and forward movement in our lives.
Another point to consider is to forgive ourselves for any perceived short comings or lack, misdeeds, and mistakes—none of which, we can change no matter how much we berate ourselves.
If we would like to live in the ebb and flow of our lives, we have to learn to live in the moment and make choices that are suitable, knowing that other influences will be going on all around us, but it doesn't mean that they will dictate how, when, and if we respond.
Many people are afraid to take ownership of their choices because they feel that their choices are not credible, important, or in the end will be wrong. The opposite is true and our choices in life do count each and every moment of the day.
Making choices does not have to be complicated or long and drawn out (some situations and issues that pertain to life do require a longer time frame), but we have to learn to become comfortable with the choices we do make and stick to them with full confidence that we have made the best choice at the time, with the ultimate leading of God and the direction of the Holy Spirit within us.
Lastly, but most certainly not least, is that we do need to base all choices we make on what God is leading us in and what the Holy Spirit is directing us in, no matter what others are sayings or what is going on around us—in the end it is between us and God.
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for He is your life...
Deuteronomy 30:19-20a
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