Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Minds Of Action

To prepare your minds for action means to bring your mind into obedience of the conscious act of the will. Many times believers face an inner conflict that brings about a tough-minded focus that readies us for action—being self-controlled.

We need and are called to be self-controlled with an internal direction from within, not from without by lusts, temptations, and unrighteous desires. Our hope is to be in the grace that God has given us through the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus. 

Having said that, our ultimate hope is and has been given to us by the return of Jesus, who has raised us in newness free from our sinful self we once were before becoming believers, which means we are no longer conformed to our former minds as in ignorance. 

We are instead, to allow God to mold our minds into the character of Him in every area of our lives, in order to be fully ready to in obedience to flow in what He places before us, without even second guessing if or when we should take on what He is calling us to. 

Daily we need to be in communication with God bringing before Him that which is on our minds and as we do we will gain strength that trains our minds for action. An active mind needs to be trained and it does not happen over night, just as a muscle goes through a process of becoming completely strong through daily exercise.

Gird the mind, strengthen the mind, keep a sober spirit, and most of all completely put hope in grace, but have a mind of action that is one of self-control in obedience for the will of God.


Therefore, gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1:13

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