Friday, April 3, 2009

Long-Range And Short-Range Plans

Whether we are sizing up our lives in total or confronting a specific decision in our lives, a few important questions we should ask are:

  1. What is God leading us in?
  2. What are our objectives?
  3. What, ultimately, do we want to accomplish?

Identify our objectives may prove to be a complex task, because there is more than one objective at stake and at times we rather not just focus on one objective. As believers though, our one main objective that we come back to time and time again, is that we have been created to serve God with the unique abilities, talents, and skills He has gifted us with.

This is the main long-range objective and is of prime importants, but in the meantime we have lives to live on a daily bases, that add to the long-range objective. We have jobs to manage, a house to keep up with, finances to be stewards over, friendships to cultivate, and relationships to mend.

At times we can be very clever at conning ourselves, which leads us to rationalizing and spiritualizing almost anything that crosses our path. We tend to analysis everything making ourselves believe we are choosing what is most important, instead of allowing God to be the definitive decision maker in many instances.

And it is not that we should not make long-range or short-range plans, but instead we need to consider what God is leading us in and start there in our planning. In fact, God doesn't want us to live mediocre lives, but as we seek Him in all our planning He will guide us, give us the tools, and the means to accomplish the things that are before us and on the horizon.


Commit your way to the Lord, and trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.  


Psalm 37:5

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