Monday, March 9, 2009

Living By Grace

For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God...


Ephesians 2:8



What is it about God's Grace?


The Webster Dictionary defines grace as "good-will or favor", then adds, "Divine love and protection given to mankind by God".


Grace is the unmerited favor of God.






We cannot earn it, learn it, buy it, deserve it, but He still imparts His Grace to us, every single solitary day.


The question that is raised is why?


Why would God ever give us Grace?


Why would God extend His magnificent mercy to us?


The answer is simple, that many completely miss it or choose to disregard it.


God wants us to glorify Him.


All in all, God wants us to magnify Him, love Him, and praise Him. As well as, live for Him, so He can give us abundant life and a peace that truly does pass all understanding. It's hard for humans to understand or even grasp this kind of love, for it is not in our nature.


God extends His Grace to us so that we may come to know Him in His fullness and in all His abundance.

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