In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
John 1:1-4
We all are pretty unique creations of God and therefore are mortal, but we have eternity written on our hearts as believers in Christ. We are sinners, yet a holy God calls us to be His own. We live in an interesting journey that is still in the tellinga journey called life.
Just the same, we delude ourselves with books, movies and the news. Always channeling our longing for real-living into a subdued existence, living through others or things. We forget what surrounds us. We forget the beauty, love, miracles, and all-around spice of life. We forget who we arepeople treasured by God.
Everywhere the real signs of lifethe remarkable signs of God's sovereigntycan be seen if we only have eyes to see them.
What if everywhere around us is an unfolding journey that we cannot see, because we are too distracted by books, movies, news, and the stress of the day?
What if we are, in fact, on a grand journey, but we cannot see the immortal view because we are too easily entrapped by the things the world has to offer and serve as a mere distraction?
Every day, we awaken to a far greater fabrication than we can imagine, and we live with the reality that God created us, brought His Son into the world to die for us, so that we might have life. Unlike so many others, we have the opportunity to delve into a personal relationship with our Creator and Lord.
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