Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Practice The Call With Passion


Practice and cultivate and meditate upon these duties; throw yourself wholly into them [as your ministry], so that your progress may be evident to everybody.


1 Timothy 4:15



Paul's instruction to Timothy was to use the gifts that God gave him (that was prophesied over him) and not neglect them.  And like a wise spiritual father, Paul tells Timothy to "Go for it and give it your best! In a sense he was urging Timothy to practice, practice, practice!


We too should be motivated, inspired and challenged to practice and develop the passion of our calling. God wants us to progress and be a representative of progress. Showing improvement and growth for the sake of fulfilling God's calling is a Godly thing.


The Amplified version reads: "…Throw yourself wholly into your ministry...", not half hearted, but wholly commitment on our part in what God is calling us to.


We want to do God's will in and through our life, but we can only do this as we keep our eyes on Him. As we do, He will strength us to practice the passion of His calling on our life, that we may show progress and honor to Him.

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