Friday, January 30, 2009



But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house; in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple.


Psalm 5:7



In this Psalm, as in many of the Psalms David wrote, he reveals his hearts struggles with his enemies and writes of his dependence upon God's character.


God is trustworthy, righteous, faithful—He is fair and dependable.


Too often, we approach God in a demanding way, barging into His presence with cares, needs, wants and desires, but we lack reverence. It's as if God is to serve us at every beckon call, to be ready to meet our needs whenever we need Him to.


We do not want our relationship with God to be based on what He can do or does for us, instead it needs to be that we want God to know that we love Him for who He is and has done for us.


Come to God in reverence, thanksgiving, and petition and He will hear our hearts cry!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Practice The Call With Passion


Practice and cultivate and meditate upon these duties; throw yourself wholly into them [as your ministry], so that your progress may be evident to everybody.


1 Timothy 4:15



Paul's instruction to Timothy was to use the gifts that God gave him (that was prophesied over him) and not neglect them.  And like a wise spiritual father, Paul tells Timothy to "Go for it and give it your best! In a sense he was urging Timothy to practice, practice, practice!


We too should be motivated, inspired and challenged to practice and develop the passion of our calling. God wants us to progress and be a representative of progress. Showing improvement and growth for the sake of fulfilling God's calling is a Godly thing.


The Amplified version reads: "…Throw yourself wholly into your ministry...", not half hearted, but wholly commitment on our part in what God is calling us to.


We want to do God's will in and through our life, but we can only do this as we keep our eyes on Him. As we do, He will strength us to practice the passion of His calling on our life, that we may show progress and honor to Him.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Majesty (Here I Am)

By: Delirious


Here I am humbled by your Majesty

Covered by your grace so free

Here I am, knowing I'm a sinful man

Covered by the blood of the Lamb


Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine

Since you laid down your life

The greatest sacrifice


Majesty, Majesty

Your grace has found me just as I am

Empty handed, but alive in your hands

Majesty, Majesty

Forever I am changed by your love

In the presence of your Majesty


Here I am humbled by the love that you give

Forgiven so that I can forgive

Here I stand, knowing that I'm your desire

Sanctified by glory and fire


Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine

Since you laid down your life

The greatest sacrifice

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Source Of Faith


Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed." Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you."


Matthew 9:20-21




What is faith?


The source of faith is found in God—we cannot have faith in faith itself—and it must be in Him who is the Source.


So what is faith?


As we look through the book of Matthew in chapters 8-10, we find that faith is the impetus to move us to action, the initiative to get us to the Source. It is the incentive to get us out of a dark place and gets us to the light. It is the bias for action; it is exerting a greater energy toward what's best… enough to overcome lethargy, doubt, discouragement, or any other force that keeps us in the spiritual doldrums.


Be mindful of the lessons of faith that God has for you in your life and allow the true Source of faith to intercede, as you so that your "faith may not fail."


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Be Strong And Finish The Race Before You

Thus says the Lord of hosts, "Let your hands be strong... to the end that the temple be built."


Zech 8:9



Regardless of the opposition, the nay sayers, the political analysts, and critics who stood in the way, the Lord exhorted His people to "strengthen their hands" and finish the work; the temple had to be built.


God never loses focus of His ultimate goal.


Notice God never said He would silence the critics or repress their grandstanding, nor was He in the business of removing the obstacles that interfere. He knew what needed to be accomplished and it was the people who held the responsibility to strengthen their hands and set their hearts to continue on in order to cross the finish line.


God's assignment and the task that lay ahead, for us, is no different—to finish the work that He has already begun in the temple of our heart. No doubt there will be challenges that we will have to face, daily. There will be those who will stand in opposition to what He's asked us to accomplish. And there will be nay sayers and obstacles laid before us that are simply beyond our control.


But, while God may never remove the obstacles that attempt to block the way to the finish line, may our hands be strengthened by Him that we may carry out the call He has placed in our heart.


Lord, strengthen our heart and mind to sustain an even greater burden for You, that we may run Your race with an even greater passion.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Strength Is In The Lord


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.


Ephesians 5:10




In the closing remarks to the disciples of Ephesus, Paul writes of specific ways to live successfully as Christians. He parallels dressing with armor for war with spiritual armor because he realizes that as Christ followers, we are all in spiritual war.


His opening thought reminds us that leaning on our strength, what we think will make us a "strong person" is not how God wants to develop His strength in our lives. It does not say "Be strong in (insert your name) and his/her mighty power."


As we live daily, there is nothing wrong with trying to do our best, do great work, plan, prepare, be organized, be on top of everything. But we need to be careful not to see this as making us strong and great Christian.


We can live differently today by:


1. Simply acknowledging that our strength comes from God. While He is developing us to be vessels for Him in word and deed, we need to remember that Christianity is based on "being IN Him."


2. Consider His mighty power and being clothed in Him. How we dress our body, mind, heart, and attitude comes through spiritual practices and disciplines.


Let us live successfully unto God in His strength!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Decision Making


Each of us will be challenged to make important decisions this coming year. And, these decisions often impact our jobs, our friendships, our families and even where we might be living. However, many of us will fall into a trap by using a process for making decisions that may not be biblical. The Bible encourages us to make decisions based on obedience, not outcome. Yet, business people are challenged every day to make decisions that will impact the bottom line. Is there a precedent we find in scripture about how to make biblical decisions?


"…Samuel replied: "Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams" (1 Samuel 15:22).


There are by far two primary ways people make decisions today. First, the pro and con method is a system of lining up all the pros on one side, then all the cons on the other side. Whichever makes the most sense is the choice that is made. This makes logical sense to all of us. The second method of decision-making is based purely on how the decision will affect us, otherwise known as an outcome-based decision. Many of us are guilty of being driven by outcome versus by what is right or by what God is saying.  One cannot always determine how something is going to turn out on the front end. And, God will not allow a faith decision to be based on perceived outcome. This would cause all of us to make only outcome-based decisions. But, sadly, many Christians make such decisions every day. And, most businessman, are driven to make decisions that are based on whether they are going to be financially impacted negatively or positively.


This is not say that either of these methods does not have a part to play in the process of making a decision, but they should not to be the determining factors. For instance, say that you are in a business that is going through a lean time, and are losing money every month. Then you are invited to attend a Christian conference in South Africa. Logically, it made no sense for you to take ten days out of my month to do this. And, you did not have the money to go. However, you believe God wants you to go, so you trust Him for the resources. The last day of the registration a man gave you $2,500 to go to this conference. It then becomes a strategic turning point in your spiritual and professional pilgrimage. If you had made your decision based on pros and cons or what you thought the outcome would be, you never would have gone on the trip and you would have missed a huge blessing.



In the early Hebraic church wisdom was gained by obedience. Hebrews learned that wisdom was gained by knowing and doing the will of God and that it often did not line up with logic. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding" (Psalms 111:10). However, as the church became impacted by the Greek culture through the influence of scholars like Socrates and Aristotle, knowledge-based systems became more influential in the way education was taught and applied. Greeks believed that the way to gain knowledge was based on reason and analysis. As a result, the church over the centuries has moved into a more knowledge-based and programmatic system of operation, rather than obedience-based methods that are motivated by a heart fully devoted to following God.


Following are the primary differences between the Hebraic model and the Greek model of learning and applying Biblical knowledge. Mike and Sue Dowiewicz, authors of Restoring the Early Church, provide a comparison of the Greek influence versus the Hebraic influence.



HEBRAIC                                              GREEK

Active — appeals to the heart              Cognitive — appeals to the intellect


Process Focus                                       Program Focus



Obedience A Priority                    Information A Priority



Relationships are vital                 Controlled Groups emphasized



Transparency- love encouraged              Service- activity-based


Produces   Mature Believers                       Produces Shallow Believers


Ultimately, God desires us to take the Hebraic approach when making decisions. He wants us to make decisions based on our heart's desire to follow Him. That means decisions are made based on obedience and there are times when they will not line up with logic. The apostle Paul serves as a great example for us.


Whole-hearted Obedience


In Acts 21, we find an interesting scene involving Paul, the disciples and a prophet named Agabus. It would appear that Paul was going against the Spirit's leading at first glance when we read about the encounter. First, the disciples had a revelation from the Spirit to urge him not to go to Jerusalem. Then, the prophet Agabus actually tied his hands and feet in a prophetic act to dramatize the word of prophecy he was going give Paul that he would be persecuted in Jerusalem.


"Finding the disciples there, we stayed with them seven days. Through the Spirit they urged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem. But when our time was up, we left and continued on our way… we reached Caesarea and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist… After we had been there a number of days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. Coming over to us, he took Paul's belt, tied his own hands and feet with it and said, 'The Holy Spirit says, 'In this way the Jews of Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.'  When we heard this, we and the people there pleaded with Paul not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, 'Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.' When he would not be dissuaded, we gave up and said, 'The Lord's will be done.'" (Acts 21:4-14).


Was Paul acting in disobedience to the counsel of others and even the Holy Spirit's confirmation by other believers? Was the information true? If so, does that mean that Paul was not to go? By his response Paul seems to know something the others did not. He doesn't disagree with the prophecy; he disagrees with the interpretation of what it means. He was not fearful of the outcome of his decision. So often, people who have a prophetic gifting deliver a word to an individual and then interpret the meaning and action required. This is not necessarily the role of the prophet. He is the messenger, and the recipient needs to take the action required from the message.


There is no reason to think that Paul went to Jerusalem in violation of the will of God. The prophetic forecasts were not prohibitions from the Holy Spirit but forewarnings of what lay ahead. As a result of these prophecies, Paul's friends tried to dissuade him from risking his life; but the apostle remained steadfast in accomplishing his mission that he believed was from God in spite of personal danger. The important lesson for us is to understand that doing the will of God does not always have a positive outcome. If it did, we would make decisions based only on perceived outcome. This is not a Biblical way of making decisions. Jesus was obedient to the cross.


So, does this mean we are not to make decisions using our intellect? Absolutely not; God gave us the capacity to reason and think. He fully expects us to thoughtfully consider all aspects in the decision-making process. We should research the pros and cons of any decision. Jesus even encourages us to consider all the factors before we take on any new endeavor.


"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish'" (Luke 14:28-30).


Fact gathering is an important part of the process for making Godly decisions. Joshua and Caleb were sent out ahead to spy out the land and report back what they found as a form of fact gathering. However, their decision to move forward against the counsel of the others appeared to the others to be an unwise decision. The difference was fear and faith entering into the equation. Once we gather the facts, the final determining factor on whether we should do something is whether God has directed us to do it, not whether it makes sense.


If the fathers of our faith had made decisions purely based on reason and analysis do you think Moses would have brought the people to the edge of the Red Sea, or Joshua would have walked around the city of Jericho as a means of winning a battle, or Peter would have paid his taxes from a coin he got from a fish's mouth? We can consider countless of examples of how God confronted the intellect to test obedience. He performed miracles from the most bizarre situations that confronted the logic of His followers.


Partial Obedience


God's instructions are to be followed exactly as they are given or we will suffer the consequences. Never is this principle more apparent than in the life of King Saul. Saul's life could best be described as one who was partially obedient. He obeyed God to a degree, but the areas where he disobeyed got him in trouble—even to the point of death.


When Israel appointed Saul as king the people were warned by the prophet Samuel that their nation was to remain a theocracy even though a human king was ruling.


"But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. Yet if you persist in doing evil, both you and your king will be swept away" (1 Samuel 12:24-25).


Saul disobeyed God and His appointed prophet Samuel on three distinct occasions that resulted in negative consequences for Saul and the nation of Israel.


When Saul first became king, he was instructed to wait for Samuel for seven days after they attacked the Philistines (See 1 Samuel 13:7-14). When Samuel was late, Saul decided to take things into his own hands and offered a burnt offering in order to gain God's favor for the coming battle. This was contrary to the instructions given by God through Samuel, in whom he was to give deference to as his spiritual authority. His disobedience resulted in a shortened reign for Saul.


The second time Saul disobeyed God was when he was instructed through Samuel to attack the Amalekites. He was told to destroy everything including the king, all the animals and other goods. Saul attacked them and destroyed everything except the king and his choice animals. When God tells Samuel that Saul has committed this evil, Samuel immediately confronted Saul. "Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king" (1 Samuel 15:22-23). Saul then owns up to his sin and confesses he disobeyed because he was afraid of the people and gave in to their pressure. It is at this point Saul is rejected as king of Israel for his disobedience.


When I consider the life of Saul I realize that I have been like him many times throughout my Christian life. Saul was a religious man. He had a form of religion. He was obedient to a point, but it was the follow-through that got him into trouble. And that difference in complete obedience made God say some very hard things. "And the Lord was grieved that He had made Saul king over Israel" (1 Samuel 15:35). What horrible words to hear from God. Imagine if God has to say that about you or me. That should motivate us to walk in complete obedience that we will never have to hear those words about ourselves.


Remember what Solomon tells us in Proverbs regarding the balance between God's responsibility and ours: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Heart Of True Peace

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


John 14:27



Peace can't come from other people.


Peace can't come from inside us either.


The world so often defines peace as feeling of contentedness and being happy with our life, getting along with other people, or having everything we want—true peace is so much more than the world knows.


Our true need is having peace with God, and a removal of His righteous anger for our sin. And the greatest news is, that need has already been met through Christ's death on the cross as the penalty for our sin. This brings a peace that we can find pure joy in daily as believers.


If we are looking for contentment, satisfaction, and hope in other people, or in our own heart, we will never be fulfilled. If we rest in the peace that Christ has already accomplished for us, our heart finds its true dwelling of what peace really is in our life.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Signs Of Life

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.


John 1:1-4


We all are pretty unique creations of God and therefore are mortal, but we have eternity written on our hearts as believers in Christ. We are sinners, yet a holy God calls us to be His own. We live in an interesting journey that is still in the telling—a journey called life.

Just the same, we delude ourselves with books, movies and the news. Always channeling our longing for real-living into a subdued existence, living through others or things. We forget what surrounds us. We forget the beauty, love, miracles, and all-around spice of life. We forget who we are—people treasured by God.


Everywhere the real signs of life—the remarkable signs of God's sovereignty—can be seen if we only have eyes to see them.

What if everywhere around us is an unfolding journey that we cannot see, because we are too distracted by books, movies, news, and the stress of the day?


What if we are, in fact, on a grand journey, but we cannot see the immortal view because we are too easily entrapped by the things the world has to offer and serve as a mere distraction?


Every day, we awaken to a far greater fabrication than we can imagine, and we live with the reality that God created us, brought His Son into the world to die for us, so that we might have life. Unlike so many others, we have the opportunity to delve into a personal relationship with our Creator and Lord.


What could possibly be a more marvelous journey?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Having A Teachable Attitude

Show me Your ways, O Lord;

Teach me Your paths.

Lead me in Your truth and teach me,

For You are the God of my salvation;

On You I wait all the day.

Psalm 25:4-5


While reading Psalm 25:4-5 one can see the humility and teachable spirit David is exhibiting for us—show me… teach me… lead me… teach mehumble words being expressed in prayer.


What exactly does it mean to be teachable?


To be teachable is to be truly open to accept advice as well as constructive criticism; to be open to change. To be teachable is to continually ask the Holy Spirit to lead us and to seek God's wisdom from His Word.


Having a teachable spirit is something that doesn't come naturally to us. We can easily think of times when we have been confronted about a wrong attitude and we didn't respond well. Clearly, we weren't being teachable in that moment.

Matthew Henry has this to say about Psalm 25:4-5:


He [David] begs direction from God in the way of his duty. Once and again he here prays to God to teach him. He was a knowing man himself, but the most intelligent, the most observant, both need and desire to be taught of God; from him we must be ever learning. Observe,


  1. What he desired to learn: "Teach me, not fine words or fine notions, but thy ways, thy paths, thy truth, the ways in which thou walkest towards men, which are all mercy and truth (Psalm 25:10), and the ways in which thou wouldst have me to walk towards thee." Those are best taught who understand their duty, and know the good things they should do (Ecclesiastes 2:3). God's paths and his truth are the same; divine laws are all founded upon divine truths. The way of God's precepts is the way of truth (Psalm 119:30). Christ is both the way and the truth, and therefore we must learn Christ.


  1. What he desired of God, in order to do this. (1) That he would enlighten his understanding concerning his duty: "Show me thy way, and so teach me." In doubtful cases we should pray earnestly that God would make it plain to us what he would have us to do. (2) That he would incline his will to do it, and strengthen him in it: "Lead me, and so teach me." Not only as we lead one that is dimsighted, to keep him from missing his way, but as we lead one that is sick, and feeble, and faint, to help him forward in the way and to keep him from fainting and falling. We go no further in the way to heaven than God is pleased to lead us and to hold us up.



  1. What he pleads, (1) His great expectation from God: Thou art the God of my salvation. If God saves us, he will teach us and lead us. He that gives salvation will give instruction. (2) His constant attendance on God: On thee do I wait all the day. Whence should a servant expect direction what to do but from his own master, on whom he waits all the day? If we sincerely desire to know our duty, with a resolution to do it, we need not question but that God will direct us in it.


So how about us?


Would we say we are teachable?

How do we as believer develop a teachable attitude?


We call out in prayer for the Holy Spirit to change our heart.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

God Never Changes


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning...


Lamentations 3:22-23



God doesn't change.


We change all the time—for good or bad.


He never does.


Life is charging full speed ahead into another season, another adventure in this journey called life, and another set of changes. In the face of an ever uncertain future and journal pages yet-to-be-filled, it comforting to remember God never changes.


No matter what happens, God's promises remain and will be fulfilled as long as we walk in obedience by faith.


What if we feel like we have blown it by walking in the flesh of sinfulness?


What if we fear, in our heart of hearts, that God will give up on us?


Listen to what Charles Spurgeon had to say on the subject: "Think not, O poor downcast child of God, because the scars of thine old sins have marred thy beauty, that He loves thee less because of that blemish. O no! He loved thee when He foreknew thy sin; He loved thee with the knowledge of what the aggregate of thy wickedness would be; and He does not love thee less now."


Our God who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow will not forget His own, but we still need to make a conscience effort to walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh, as this is walking in obedience of all that we are called to from the Word of God.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Living For A Cause Greater Than For Ourselves

I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.


Philippians 4:13

In the thirteenth century a man named William Wallace became the instrument of freedom from England's tyranny over Scotland. A very wicked king ruled England. A tragedy in the life of William Wallace launched him into living for this cause. Initially his cause was revenge, but soon his cause turned to something bigger than himself—freedom for a nation.


When he challenged the commoners to fight for this freedom, they responded that the enemy was too great and that they might die on the battlefield. They also refused to fight for the nobles, the knights and leaders who had a vested interest in gaining more land for themselves versus a pure cause of freedom.


Wallace's response: "Yes, we might die. We will all die sooner or later. But we will die for a cause worth dying for. So that our children and their children might live in freedom." This story was popularized in the movie Brave Heart (Sherman Oaks, California: Paramount Pictures, 1995).

Today we find many Christian just living a status quo relationship with God that is more characterized as "business as usual" than a life demonstrating God's power. Our focus is often more concerned with improving our standard of living than improving the Kingdom of God through our circle of influence.


God has called each of us to live for a cause greater than ourselves—a life that is dependent on His grace and power to achieve things we never thought possible through our lives. This power is available to you and me to live for a cause greater than ourselves. Ask God what He wants to achieve through your life and then act on it by faith.