Thursday, September 20, 2007

Think Huge

How do you think huge in God's will?

First of all, thinking Huge refers to establishing goals that you don't currently know how to achieve. God desires to do meaningful things through each of our lives. God desires to take us places we've never been and bless us in ways that we haven't even imagined. The challenge is that our idea of what we can accomplish and what God wants us to accomplish are worlds apart.

It is so tempting to set routine, standard, ho-hum goals that we know we'll reach. But is that what God wants or expects for us? I don't think so. Too many people (if they bother to set goals at all) establish safe, little goals that don't require God's assistance to reach. I believe God is looking for something more... what do you think?

One way to think huge is to set goals that are so ginormous that when you reach them, you'll know God had His hand on the situation. Set goals that go beyond where you've been and what you've accomplished in the past. Think about how you get a great workout in the gym. It's not by doing the same old routine. To grow in the gym, you have to place greater demand on your muscles than you ever previously have. If you are likely to reach your goals by just depending on yourself, rather than having to depend on God, then you're not thinking huge enough...

Ask God what one things would be the greatest He could do in and through your life. Ask God to reveal His will for you through your desires and passions. Ask God today to reveal the goals that are worthy of your full potential.

Is there any limit to what you can accomplish with the full power of God working through you?

Think huge... NOW!