Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Goodness Of God-likeness


As we look to God and live out lives of God-likeness, we see more clearly that all things good do certainly come from God.


As believers we all know we should live a Godly life, as Jesus did, but we fail to do so at times. We are to live according to God's Kingdom, and not of this world. We see this stated in 1 John 2:17, "And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."


Through the saving grace of God, we each—as believers—have the great opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven. It is difficult to do at times, but we must remember that our time on earth is so short, compared to eternity. Whether we want to stay here or not doesn't matter. We simply can't, and won't.


But while we are here we should, no we need to be living out a God-like life. As we skim through Scripture, particularly Jesus' ministry here on the earth we see that He is the prime example of living a God-like life. But nowadays it seems that we are all too concerned with the problems going on in the world that we fail to remember to be living in a state of God-likeness. We are caught up with all that is going wrong in the world that we are not able to fully be used by God to further the Kingdom.  


Again, looking at Jesus' earthly ministry, did He look at the wrong going on in the world around Him and shake His head thinking that there was no hope?


Did He not see it fitting to share a meal with a tax collector? (Luke 19:1-9)

Did He overlook witnessing to a Pharisee? (John 3:1-21)

Did He ignore the outcast woman at the well? (John 4:5-26)

Did He stone the woman caught in adultery? (John 8:1-11)


No, in fact He sought out those who where indeed apart of the "wrongs" in the world.


Why would Jesus do such a thing?


Because He knew the need to be God to these people was more important than trying to fix the "wrong" in the world around Him. He came to do the will of the Father (See John 6:39-40) and that should be our mindset as well.  


As we go through our daily lives, we should always be learning and growing in all areas of life, from the directions we take, decisions we make, how we spend our time, and who we spend are time with are all to be based on what is consistent with the Word of God.


Jesus' life and ministry reflected what is consistent with who God is and we see who God is all throughout Scripture. The following are just a few of the places noted throughout Scripture that speaks of God and His goodness:


  • Exodus 34:5-7
  • Deuteronomy 4:31
  • 2 Samuel 22:32-34
  • Psalms 73:26
  • Proverbs 30:5
  • 1 Corinthians 14:33

In order to be more God-like and seeing more of the manifestation of His goodness in our lives—and in the world around us—we need to look to His written Word—the Bible which is truly our manual for living. Until we take time out to seek the wisdom written on these pages we will never truly know what it means to live a God-like life which is a reflection of His goodness.


So, stop looking to what is wrong in the world and start putting into action a life that is God-like and ask God for revelation and power to accomplish this for His glory. Change happens when God's true character is illuminated in our lives and not when we point out the wrong in the world and in others around us.





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