In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions; your old men will dream dreams.
Acts 2:17
Imagine this scenario for a moment, "I need to meet with you," said an older man with a strong accent during a break at a conference overseas. The two men walked outside to have a coffee break and sat down. "God wants you to know that He removed your finances in order to prepare you for greater things to comeHe has done you a great service."
Shocked by the words he was hearing, from the mouth of a man whom he had never met before, in his 35 years of life, he wondered how would he have known I had lost a half million dollars in the previous few years, virtually all of my financial net worth, to some unusual calamities?
That week, during lunch and dinner break times, the two men continued to meet. And on the last morning of the conference the younger man was enjoying wonderful, juice from fresh oranges from an island in the
"I see a picture of a large orange tree. The tree is full of large, ripened oranges. They are beginning to fall to the ground. You are the tree!"
Again, the younger man was shocked and amazed, and now tears were welling up in his eyes.
"You are the third person in three years that has had a similar vision during a prayer time like this. The first two people were also strangers to me."
The younger man left the conference rejoicing that God could be so personal in his life. God used an older man to supernaturally speak a word of encouragement in a way that he would know it was Him who was speaking.
There are times when God supernaturally speaks into our lives. He does this to demonstrate His power, His love, and His intimacy with us. Do not be surprised if God sends one of His messengers to speak into your life when you need it most. Be open to how God might want to speak into your life today.