Sunday, October 18, 2009

Showing Appreciation Where It Is Due

As we go through life it is easy to forget those in our lives that have been there for us or encouraged us to go the extra mile. We so often take these people for granted and overlook the guidance and time they have given to us.

It is very easy for me, to be in the moment and not even realize that the suggestion from someone, in regards to work or the words that are ringing in my ears that give me that extra push to keep my head in a workout, are there because someone cares enough to give of themselves and could simply not even be there.

The word appreciation means to be thankful and express admiration, approval, or gratitude. It also means to grow or appreciate in value. As we appreciate life, we see the value of life and of those in our lives.

Why is it that we have a hard time voicing or showing our appreciation to those in our lives that have done so much to help us as an individual—both personally and professionally?

Mainly, we do not learn to appreciate until what we have is threatened or taken away from us—until we fear what we have to lose, we never truly see what we have. I am not saying that fear is a good thing, but in this case it does give us a different perspective—a positive perspective.

There are lessons well taught by learning the value of appreciation. Meaning learning to let things flow through—not limiting claims on them for satisfaction—as we gain valuable insight from someone. Appreciation is taking time, which is not forced to reciprocate, in some manner to the person who has given us guidance and time—don't be a dead sea where things flow in and never flow out.

Think for a minute about someone or those in your life that you have taken for granted—ignored their guidance and time. What is keeping you from picking up the phone or sending an e-mail to let them know how much they are appreciated.

Do it today!


pearlie said...

I think there is a lack of appreciation because everybody is just too full of themselves :) Thanks for the reminder.

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