Friday, February 20, 2009

As We Remain In God


And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.


1 John 4:16


God's ways may be baffling, but His character is not.


He is a God of love, a God who loves each of us beyond measure.


God can be trusted.


But unless we are willing to jump… His trustworthiness will be simply a useless, unproven, untheological , rather than a powerful, personal, life-changing reality.


This "jump" doesn't mean diving out of a plane and praying for angels to arrive. Instead, it's a deeply personal experience in which God shows Himself to us in an undeniable way, resulting in our own reassurance that despite what happens, God is trustworthy.


Maybe we have made it through past issues but fret about the future, feeling either gripped by fear or resolved to conquer what lies ahead with sheer determination.


After all, we have made it this far; why turn the reins over to God now?


The path God leads us on doesn't always seem best. And still, it is hard enough to entrust our future to Him and harder still as we venture through rough terrain. But in the midst of our dusty, often frustrating journey, we can take these words to heart: God will always, always come through in the end.


He is faithful by nature.


God has a greater purpose for our future than we could ever devise (See Jeremiah 29:11), and He will see us through as we follow Him.

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