Monday, November 24, 2008

The Masterpiece Of Thunderstorms


When a storm approaches there is usually the resonating sound of distant thunder, as the storm burst upon us, and it begins to rain. Not just a light misty rain, more like a heavy rain that pours and pours and with each lightning strike, the rain gets harder.

The wind, the rushing of the rain, and the echoes of the thunder have a way of captivating our entire being. It is amazing how quickly a thunderstorm can rush upon us and then be gone without even a trace. It is as if in each storm, for the little moment of its whole existence, God takes time to paint a masterpiece.

Is it not the same with our lives—which are but for a moment in view of eternity—if we will only let Him paint in us the picture of His image, His unique life for us, and His love?

Think about it the next time you have the pleasure of experiencing a thunderstorm and ask God to renew a deeper longing within your heart, to let Him paint the masterpiece He has in store.

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