Monday, August 4, 2008

Waiting For The Lord

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.


Psalm 27:14

Hearing and doing God's will are two important steps that often get confused as one step—these are two distinct processes. When we hear God's voice, this is only half of the process. The next important step is to know when to move. It is one thing to hear; it is another to know when to act.

There was a time when God showed a man that he was to write. This was a major change in his life from what he was doing. As he began to write, he enjoyed it even though at times he just rather not even begin to put his words down on paper.  

Finally, one day he decided to write for the purpose of publishing his writings and thus he begin to write and write. Then he realized he would need to find a publisher to publish his writings. Now this was a frustrating task and he became irritated by all the delays he began to experience.


Then a good friend asked one day, "How is the writing coming along and have you found a publisher yet?"

"No," was the reply.

The friend went on to say that, "When you complete the book, God will provide a publisher if He has called you to write the book and it is to be published, but you need to complete the task that He has called you to before stepping ahead."

A few months later the man was in a discussion with a publisher about his work and had set up a time to meet in order to discuss the publishing of his book. The day they met they offered him a contract on his book, which happened to also be the exact day that he had completed the book.

God is always on time and He is never late, and He is seldom early… ask God for the wisdom to discern His will and His timing for the events of the journey ahead.


And here is a true story that makes clear that all things are best left in God's timing regardless of what has been spoken or what we envision is on the horizon:


Corrie ten Boom was a prisoner in the German Holocaust who lost her sister in the concentration camps; and she tells a story about her father taking her on trains. She always wanted to get the ticket from her father ahead of time. He never gave her the ticket until she was about to get onto the train—the same goes for us as God's timing is best in all manners of our lives.

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