Monday, June 9, 2008

Your Testimony

I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.


John 3:11

istinction of testimony:


There are those who enthusiastically teach the Bible to others—these people, though they may be genuine in their motive, lack one essential ingredient to being effectively used by God—a testimony.


Of the Christians we encounter who has a genuine testimony of what God is doing and continues to do in their lives; do you see a testimony of God woven through their lives?


This testimony could be seen in the early Church... men and women were able to give powerful testimony of events and experiences that could only be explained as a work of God.

God desires to build a testimony in each of us.


Each of us is one of God's chosen vessels to reflect His power in and through us. When others see this power reflected, they are impacted because they cannot explain that power. God desires to frame our life with experiences designed to reflect the character and nature of Christ. Sometimes these events can be very devastating or at best awe-inspiring, but they are designed to reveal His power in and through us.

Every one of us has a testimony to be lived and shared openly with others.


What would others say your testimony is today?


Can others see God's work in your life?


Is your testimony one of Bible knowledge only?


Are things happening in your life that can only be explained as God?


Ask God to build a testimony of His life in and through you today and for evermore!


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