Friday, April 4, 2008

Thirsting For God

As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.


Psalm 42:1



Picture a doe that is in search of a stream, a creek, a pond, or any free flowing water in order to quench its insatiable thirst. Better yet, think of a time when you have gone out on a hot summer day for a run and come back with such a parched mouth that you cannot wait to take that first sip of water to bring moisture back into your mouth and bring hydration to your body.


It is almost second nature to quench our physical thirst when we are thirsty or have been without water for some time, but we cannot always say the same for when our soul thirst for water. For us, this water is an ongoing relationship with God and He satisfies us deep within, even when everything else of this world ceases to satisfy.


We should long to be in an atmosphere in which God can work and satisfy our deepest longing. Because where God is at work, whether it is in our personal lives or using us to touch others, our thirst is quenched, our dry spells are alleviated, and our soul is refreshed.

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